Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Well summer is hot, and its just flying by! Its already the middle of August, and 37 Celcius on the way home from work today!
The WASSA Specialty & MCA weekend is OVER, and done with, which was also hot!
"Bean" our baby bi black, Lexi & Nemo's kid took BOW the first day for her first 3 points!  She had tons of fun! her brother "Rafiki" also got points on the weekend with his WD and first 2 points.
Suzanne Boldt came in from Alberta for the weekend with Token Cassbar's Flyin High Again, and he got to play a bit in the conformation ring!  He got Reserve Winners Dog at the Specialty & Booster and went home with his first 2 points towards his Championship!
"Beau" was in the Specialty and got the BOS Vetran in Sweeps & Altered prize, thanks Claudia for showing him for me.   She also showed Jackson in the Booster Saturday and took BOS with him, too!

The nicest part of the weekend was the tribute we did to Bev Parker, my friend and also Sheltie fancier who passed away this past June.   She was a avid obedience competitor, even when her eyesight was disabled, she kept on and was busy training her dogs.   We had a tribute obedience trial in her memory, which will now happen with every WASSA Specialty we have.
Not only was that lovely to have so many people including her husband Gary there to support it, but my Mom, Terry Lambert & Levi  Cassbar's Classic Jeans won the HIGH IN TRIAL Ribbon and will now be the first named on the trophy tributed to Bev's name.  That was truly awesome for all of us.  I hope you watched over us Bev and approve.

Im preparing for a US weekend of shows, this coming Aug 26-28th, little more excited about the shopping more than showing, but will have news after the weekend.