Sunday 6 October 2013

NEW Title!! Congrats

Gloria King and her amazing dog Spice got their ATCH last weekend!  Congrats to you both, what a team!!!

Cuteness alert!

The girls are now 4 weeks old and younger one pup boy is 3 weeks.   They have had a meal a day in kibble and are getting really active!  

CASSBAR DAY!!! Sunday Sept 29th

What fun we had!  We try to have a get together every year or couple of years with all our Sheltie family, alot being puppies or retired dogs from our Kennel.  We had a few rescues also that i have adopted out over the years.   It was a great turn out and we had so much fun............ or the dogs did!   Oldest dogs we had were 14.5 years of age, and the youngest in the house was a 2 week old puppy!
We had a potluck, there was enough food to feed a small army!

Great time everyone!!! we will try to do this for sure every year!

Friday 27 September 2013


We have puppies.   The "Girls" arrived almost 3 weeks ago, all doing great and really gaining like crazy.   They are up and about, learning to play and bugging their "younger brother"
The "Girls" are Miley's  Ch. Cassbar's Roadside Attraction and Sired by "Hush" Ch. Belmark's Enough Said a Bi black owned by Betty & Kim Sawatsky (Amberlyn)
We have 5 healthy girls, 3 bi blacks and 2 sables!

Here they are just newborns, of course Miley has them all fat and sleek right off the get go!

At about a week old.  We will update pictures this weekend.  (Sept 28/13)

Their "Baby brother" arrived 6 days later, a one puppy litter from "Hanna" Ch. Cynchar's Bacarra Sire by our boy "Kane" Ch. Anamchara Prototype  He will be 2 weeks old  September 28/13

Here he is, we are really pleased with his quality! and of course now he has 2 sisters in the box with him, as we gave Hanna 2 of Miley's babies to make sure everyone has enough Milk and the boy doesnt grow up without siblings.  

Onto the weekend and our Planned Cassbar Day!!!  Tons of pictures to follow, we should have a great turn out of dogs and humans this weekend!  More Later!

What a summer!

Summer has come and gone :(  So lovely to watch the colors of the trees, but sad that its already here.
We have had one heck of a summer, with tons of good shows and lots of news!
AND we have puppies!  But more on the news. :)
We had a great weekend at the MCA shows, 4 all breed and 2 Specialities.

"DYNA" Cassbars Mirror Mirror had a great weekend, picking up a couple more points the first day of MCA bringing her to 8 points.  Then onto the specialty shows where she picks up her first Best In Sweeps (WASSA) under breeder/judge Donna Lewis (Donayne), She also took Best of Opposite in sweeps the second day (CSSA Regional) under breeder/judge Larry Ermel, thank you both for these lovely wins on such a young puppy.

Our lovely old guy "Beau" at 11 years old had a great day also, bringing him out of retirement for the Specialities taking an Award Of Merit and Best Vetran breeder/judge Yvonne Defriatas

Dyna went on the next day to finish her Championship at 8 months of age! Taking Winners Bitch at the CSSA Regional Specialty
Thank you to both judges Ellen Worthington & Larry Ermel for this photo!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Summer is here at Cassbar!

Well spring is gone, seemed to be so cold, and now we are scorching in the heat!
We had some pretty awesome show win's, i didn't spend anytime at the shows, but my friend  Claudia Proctor took some dogs out to finish them up!

"Tika" New Ch. Amaley Cassbar's Orange Pekoe finished up her Championship at just over a year old 

We also acquired a new girl that i had shown interest in from Wendy Dynes of Dynestar Shelties in Fargo ND.  "Grace"  Dynestar High Society came to us in the first week of June.  We sent her out with Jade Unrau to handle at the Thunder Bay shows, and from start to finish in one weekend she is a New Champion!  Taking BOW 5 out of 6 shows, and a BOS over a special to finish!

We are still growing out 3 puppies from our last litters, the girls are all the same age, all being born December 24, 2012
"Dyna" Cassbar's Mirror Mirror
Dyna has gone out to her first show just 6 months of age, and in 2 days is close to finishing her Championship, taking BOW/BP 
"Jazz"  Cassbar's Fairest of them All
These Girls sire is Am/Can Ch. BPIS/BISS Cassbar's Man in the Mirror 
Dam BPIG/BPISS Ch. Cynchar's Rock the Cassbar
thank you Candice Daum for these lovely photo's

"Charlie" Cassbar's Main Attraction
Her Sire Ch. Laureate Inception Dam: Ch. Cassbar's Roadside Attraction

We have been busy in the yard with garden's ect.  The dogs are enjoying summer and having a full 3 acre's to run in.   We will enjoy it to the fullest, knowing what is coming in a few months!

There is some big news coming!!!  

Saturday 18 May 2013


Well i was on the road again, off we went to ASSA Nationals with 3 dogs on the flight to Abbotsford, BC  I then met my friend Rod Oishi and we drove from BC to Albany, Oregon for the week's events!

This is the beautiful grounds where the show is held, gorgeous blooms and all we had was Sun the entire week!
 The grooming area where we spend our entire week!
 This is towards the Ring
 Get off my ass and help you say?
 Rod did up Selena really nice!
 Cathy & Shea looking amazing in the ring together!  
Lyric all done up for the big show!
We also celebrated one very special guys' birthday, Happy Birthday Rod!

No one placed in their classes but we had a blast and took home so much good information. Everyone got a great look and many fellow breeders telling you your doing the right thing is icing on the cake!  I dont think you can truly breed a breed like ours unless you are always learning, and taking steps to improve like visiting the American Shetland Sheepdog Association's National Speciality.  Such a great time, and laughs to be had by all, we wont forget, and wait for next years National counting down the days.

Then off i drove with the big ole Motorhome a weekend after i got back, to Medicine Hat, AB, Gloria Beaudin & Judy Armitt were on board for the fun.  The Finnish Lapphund Nationals are there, and i also would finally get our "Gossip" back, Am/Can Ch. Sugarok Hot Topic.
We have to congratulate Gossip's kids for doing so well, her son winning the first Select Dog and her Daughter winning Best of Opposite!  Gossip then won the Brood bitch class, with those two kids.   Gossip's litter was co bred with Gloria Beaudin of Shadagrace Lapphunds, who also cleaned up that weekend!
Now be nice, we were in the ring for at least 8 hours between All breed and National, all of us looked like we needed a rest!  LOL Well maybe not Gail.  ;)

This is Am/Can Ch. Sugarok Hot Topic and her kids BPIS Ch. Shadagrace Cassbar Hot Thyme & BPIS Ch. Shadagrace Cassbar Rawhide

We did bring along "Frankie" BPIG Ch. Cassbar's Badda Bing to the Alberta show, i couldnt go Sheltie less!  Frakie ended up taking a Group 3rd on the Sunday, we only entered her 2 days so that was a nice win.

In the meantime, same weekend, Claudia Proctor is showing our dogs at the Mid Canada Dog shows, here in MB, she was showing our "Rush" Ch. Anamchara Animal House who won another group and picked up some amazing wins.   She also showed our "Kenshe" kid  Tika who finished off the weekend sitting on 9 points! One more to go!
Here she is a few months ago getting her first points
Amaley Cassbar Orange Pekoe (9 points)
Sire Am Ch. Rosmoor Protocol Dam Ch. Cassbar's Iced Latte  Owned by Doug & Julie Robson

Tuesday 12 February 2013

7 week old pictures of Babies.

 Bi Black girl
 side profile of Bi Black girl

 Smudge Tri boy
Smudge Tri boy
Small Tri boy #
Small tri boy
Tri boy #2
tri boy #2
Tri boy #2

Tri girl #1

Tri Girl #2

Tri Girl #2

Tri girl #2
They are growing up fast! Puppies go for shots tomorrow night, ( Feb 13 )and then some off to their new homes starting this weekend.    We are delighted to be able to grow out 4 of Alexis & Jackson's puppies

Thursday 31 January 2013

Newest video

Our Morning Sunrise in January, we should have known better, a blizzard was 12 hours away.  

 Click Here for the latest Video's of the pups together

Just Random shots

 Diva never thinks i throw the ball quick enough. ;)

Thats the sun going down against the snow & high windchills 
 A Blue Jay at my Parents house

 Jackson cooling his brain in the snow!

 Posi creeping up on the ball (or me with it)
Rush & Kane neck in neck!!